Please select your Clinic
Acacio Fertility Center (0966)
ACFS Fertility (CCRM Arizona) (0690)
Adore Fertility (0933)
Advanced Fertility Care of Tucson PLLC (0967)
Advanced Fertility Care, PLLC (0699)
Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago (0446)
Advanced Fertility Center of Texas (0677)
Advanced Fertility Centers, PLLC (0830)
Advanced Fertility Group (0134)
Advanced Reproductive Center of Hawaii (0654)
AdventHealth Fertility Center Shawnee Mission (0675)
AHN Center for Reproductive Medicine (0639)
Alabama Fertility Specialists (0684)
Alex Steinleitner, M.D., Inc (0738)
Andrew J. Levi, M.D., LLC (0809)
Arizona Center for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (0628)
Arizona Reproductive Medicine Specialists (0387)
Arkansas Fertility Center (0672)
Arklatex Fertility and Reproductive Medicine (0379)
Aspire Fertility Institute Austin (0822)
Aspire Fertility Institute Dallas (0883)
Aspire Fertility Institute San Antonio (0717)
Aspire Houston Fertility Institute (0588)
Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine (0485)
Atlantic Reproductive Medicine Specialists (0799)
Atrium Health Fertility Center, A Facility of Carolinas Medical Center (0404)
Audubon Fertility (0828)
Aurora Health Care - Aurora Fertility Services (0619)
Aurora Health Care-Aurora Fertility Services, West Allis (0704)
Austin Fertility and Reproductive Medicine - Westlake IVF (0791)
Austin Fertility Institute (0795)
Bay IVF (0776)
Baylor Scott and White Health (0960)
Baystate Reproductive Medicine (0201)
Bethesda Fertility Center (0107)
Beverly Hills Fertility (0939)
Billings Clinic Innovation Fertility (0805)
Bloom Reproductive Institute (0840)
BocaFertility (0145)
Boston IVF - The Albany Center (0430)
Boston IVF - The Maine Center (0814)
Boston IVF - The New Hampshire Center (0911)
Boston IVF - The North Carolina Center (0968)
Boston IVF - The Rhode Island Center (0957)
Boston IVF - The Rochester Center (0215)
Boston IVF - The Syracuse Center (0920)
Boston IVF at The Women's Hospital (0804)
Boston IVF, LLC (0012)
Brigham and Women's Hospital ART Center (0013)
Brooke Army Medical Center (0449)
C.A.R.E. for the Bay Area (0870)
CA Center For Reproductive Health-Reproductive Fertility Center (0750)
California Center for Reproductive Medicine (0770)
California Fertility Partners (0040)
Caperton Fertility Institute (0928)
CARE Fertility (0301)
CARE Fertility (0756)
Carolina Conceptions PA (0711)
Carolinas Fertility Institute (0836)
CCRM Austin (0975)
CCRM Boston (0861)
CCRM DFW (0796)
CCRM Florida (0942)
CCRM Minneapolis (0842)
CCRM NY (0854)
CCRM Orange County (0845)
CCRM San Francisco (0865)
CCRM Virginia Beach (0441)
CCRM Virginia, LLC (0864)
Cedars Sinai Medical Center (0702)
Center for Advanced Reproductive Medicine (0646)
Center for Advanced Reproductive Services (0086)
Center for Reproductive Health (0183)
Center for Reproductive Medicine (0090)
Center for Reproductive Medicine (0403)
Center for Reproductive Medicine (0168)
Center For Reproductive Medicine and Fertility (0524)
Center for Reproductive Medicine, PA (0017)
Center of Reproductive Medicine, LLP dba SGF Houston (0330)
Central California IVF Program (0637)
Chelsea IVF & Genetics (0860)
Chicago IVF (0743)
Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center (0119)
CNY Fertility (0443)
Coastal Fertility Specialists (0819)
Collab Fertility (0974)
Colorado Center For Reproductive Medicine (0136)
Columbia Fertility Associates (0549)
Columbia University Fertility Center (0154)
Community Reproductive Endocrinology (0747)
Conceive Fertility Center (0900)
Conceptions Fertility Center (0893)
Conceptions Florida: Center for Fertility and Genetics (0810)
Conceptions Reproductive Associates (0925)
Cooper Institute for Reproductive Hormonal Disorders (0113)
Ctr for Advanced Reproductive Medicine & Fertility (0448)
Dallas IVF (0726)
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates (0724)
Damien Fertility Partners (0316)
Davies Fertility & IVF Specialists, S.C. (0824)
Denver Fertility Care (0801)
Diamond Institute for Infertility (0175)
DIRM (0779)
Duke Fertility Center (0709)
Emory Reproductive Center (0823)
Extend Fertility (0874)
Family Beginnings, P.C. (0470)
Family Fertility Center (0751)
Family Fertility Center (0190)
Fertility & Endocrine Associates (0863)
Fertility and Advanced Reproductive Medicine (0768)
Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Center (0608)
Fertility and Surgical Associates of California (0658)
Fertility Answers, Baton Rouge (0492)
Fertility Center of Dallas (0772)
Fertility Center of Miami (0243)
Fertility Center of Southern California (0579)
Fertility Center of the Carolinas (0625)
Fertility Center, LLC (0408)
Fertility Centers of New England, Inc. (0114)
Fertility Centers of Orange County (0912)
Fertility Institute of New Jersey and New York (0372)
Fertility Institute of Hawaii (0757)
Fertility Institute of New Orleans (0029)
Fertility Solutions, PC (0763)
Fertility Specialists Medical Group (0557)
Fertility Specialists of Texas, PLLC (0708)
Fertility Specialists of Texas-Lubbock (0364)
Fertility Treatment Center, PC (0832)
Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio (0895)
Florida Fertility Institute (0871)
Florida Institute for Reproductive Sciences and Technologies (0465)
Fora Fertility, PLLC (0902)
Fort Worth Fertility (0949)
Forte (9911)
Gago IVF (0778)
Geisinger Medical Center Fertility Program (0331)
Genesis Fertility & Reproductive Medicine (0429)
GIVFF, LLC (0585)
Global Fertility & Genetics, NY (0868)
Gold Coast IVF (0647)
Green Valley Fertility Partners (0876)
Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center, P.C. (0749)
Heartland Center For Reproductive Medicine, P.C. (0567)
Henry Ford Fertility (0961)
Houston Assisted Reproductive Technologies (0504)
Houston IVF/CCRM-Houston (0586)
HRC Fertility (0754)
Hudson Valley Fertility, PLLC (0739)
Idaho Center For Reproductive Medicine (0657)
Illume Fertility (formerly RMA CT) (0599)
Indiana Fertility Institute (0663)
Infertility & IVF Medical Associates of Western NY (0253)
Innovative Fertility Center (0958)
Institute for Human Reproduction (IHR) (0838)
Institute for Reproductive Health (0774)
Institute For Reproductive Medicine and Science (IRMS) (0540)
InVia Fertility Specialists (0612)
Island Fertility (0881)
Island Reproductive Services,P.C. (0617)
IVF Alabama
IVF Fertility Center (0941)
IVF Florida (0057)
IVF Michigan Fertility Centers (0843)
IVF Michigan Rochester Hills and Flint, PC (0847)
IVF Phoenix™ (0587)
IVF1 (0596)
IVFMD (0467)
Johns Hopkins Fertility Center (0045)
Kaiser Permanente Center for Reproductive Health (0664)
Kaiser Permanente Center for Reproductive Health Sacramento (0722)
Kaiser Permanente Center for Reproductive Health San Francisco (0910)
Kentucky Fertility Institute (0846)
Kindbody - Atlanta (0917)
Kindbody - Austin (0918)
Kindbody - Bentonville (0953)
Kindbody - Chicago (West Loop) (0880)
Kindbody - Crest Hill (0936)
Kindbody - Dallas (0945)
Kindbody - Denver (0934)
Kindbody - Detroit (0935)
Kindbody - Houston (0950)
Kindbody - Los Angeles (0892)
Kindbody - Milwaukee (0970)
Kindbody - Minneapolis (0932)
Kindbody - New York Medical Practice (0879)
Kindbody - Orlando (0952)
Kindbody - Pacific Northwest (0938)
Kindbody - Princeton (New Jersey) (0951)
Kindbody - San Francisco (0891)
Kindbody - Silicon Valley (0915)
Kindbody - St. Louis (0856)
Kindbody - Washington D.C. (0937)
Kutteh Ke Fertility Associates of Memphis, PLLC (0621)
Laurel Fertility Care, A Professional Medical Corporation (0682)
LifeStart Fertility Center (0853)
Los Angeles Reproductive Center (0858)
Madigan Army Medical Center (0735)
Main Line Fertility and Reproductive Medicine (0506)
Marin Fertility Center (0922)
Massachusetts General Hospital Fertility Center (0341)
Massey Fertility Services (0888)
Mayo Clinic Assisted Reproductive Technologies (0694)
MCRM Fertility (0862)
Medical Offices for Human Reproduction/CHR (0519)
Metropolitan Reproductive Medicine PC (0734)
Michigan Center for Fertility (0680)
Michigan Reproductive & IVF Center, PLLC (0418)
Mid-Iowa Fertility, P.C. (0336)
Mid-Missouri Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, Inc. (0660)
Midwest Fertility Specialists (0662)
Mississippi Reproductive Medicine, PLLC (0766)
Montefiore's Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Health (0636)
Montgomery Fertility Center (0976)
Nashville Fertility Center (0203)
Nevada Fertility Center (0850)
New Direction Fertility Centers (0971)
New England Fertility Institute (0851)
New Leaders In Fertility & Endocrinology, LLC (0589)
New York Reproductive Wellness and Medicine (0914)
Neway Medical (0793)
Northeastern Reproductive Medicine (0827)
Northern California Fertility Medical Center (0365)
Northwell Health Fertility (0157)
Northwell Health Fertility - NYC (0889)
Northwestern Center for Fertility & Reproductive Medicine (0140)
Nova In Vitro Fertilization (0059)
NYC IVF (0956)
NYU Langone Fertility Center (0363)
NYU Langone Reproductive Specialists of New York (0466)
OC Fertility (0849)
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (0163)
Olympia Womens Health (0296)
ORM Fertility (0329)
OU Health Reproductive Medicine (0308)
Pacific Fertility Center (0332)
Pacific Fertility Centers of Los Angeles (0890)
Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute (0131)
Pacific Northwest Fertility and IVF Specialists (0692)
Palm Beach Fertility Center (0451)
Palo Alto Medical Foundation (0126)
Penn Fertility Care-Lancaster General (0955)
Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center (0204)
Piedmont Reproductive Endocrinology Group, PA (0679)
Poma Fertility (0808)
Quillen Fertility and Women's Services (0710)
RADfertility / CCRM Delaware (0728)
REACH (0594)
Red Rock Fertility Center (0797)
Reproductive Biology Associates (0065)
Reproductive Care Center (0502)
Reproductive Care of Indiana (0546)
Reproductive Fertility Center, Lin Fertility Family Foundation (0946)
Reproductive Gynecology & Infertility (0785)
Reproductive Gynecology & Infertility (0001)
Reproductive Health & Fertility Center (0580)
Reproductive Health and Wellness Center (0921)
Reproductive Health Specialists (0354)
Reproductive Medicine & Infertility Associates (0516)
Reproductive Medicine Associates of Florida, LLC (RMA) (0866)
Reproductive Medicine Associates of Houston (RMA) (0940)
Reproductive Medicine Associates of Michigan (0714)
Reproductive Medicine Associates of New Jersey (RMA) (0528)
Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York LLP (0578)
Reproductive Medicine Associates of Northern California (RMA) (0882)
Reproductive Medicine Associates of Philadelphia (RMA) Wayne (0002)
Reproductive Medicine Associates of Southern California (RMA) (0875)
Reproductive Medicine Center (0649)
Reproductive Medicine Institute (0213)
Reproductive Partners - Beverly Hills, Redondo Beach & Westminster (0004)
Reproductive Partners Fertility Center - San Diego (0478)
Reproductive Resource Center (0927)
Reproductive Science Center of New Jersey (0715)
Reproductive Science Center of the San Francisco Bay Area (0112)
Reproductive Specialists of the Carolinas (0916)
Repromed Fertility Center (0820)
RMA Long Island IVF (0141)
RMA of San Diego DBA-Pearl Mini IVF (0909)
Rocky Mountain Center for Reproductive Medicine (0474)
Rocky Mountain Fertility Center (0926)
Rush REI (0904)
Sama Fertility (0964)
San Diego Fertility Center (0535)
Sanford Health Reproductive Medicine Institute (0432)
Sanford Women's Health (0605)
Santa Barbara Fertility Center (0803)
Seattle Reproductive Medicine (SRM) (0688)
Shady Grove Fertility | Atlanta (0548)
Shady Grove Fertility | Chesterbrook (0317)
Shady Grove Fertility | Colorado (0206)
Shady Grove Fertility | New York (0894)
Shady Grove Fertility | Richmond (0345)
Shady Grove Fertility | Rockville (0205)
Shady Grove Fertility | Tampa Bay (0878)
Shady Grove Fertility | Towson (0105)
Shady Grove Fertility, North Carolina (0944)
Shady Grove Fertility-So Cal (0963)
Shady Grove Fertility-Walter Reed (0602)
Sher Fertility Solutions New York (0744)
Shore Institute for Reproductive Medicine (0472)
SIU Medicine Fertility and IVF Center (0760)
Society Hill Reproductive Medicine (0762)
Sound Fertility Care, PLLC (RMA) Bellevue (0837)
South Jersey Fertility Center (0218)
Southern California Center For Reproductive Medicine (0598)
Southern California Reproductive Center (0453)
Southwest Fertility Center (0166)
Specialists in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery, P.A. (0775)
Spring Fertility (0844)
Spring Fertility Management LLC-East Bay (0907)
Spring Fertility Management LLC-Silicon Valley (0906)
Spring Fertility New York (0919)
Spring Fertility Portland (0969)
SpringCreek Fertility (0859)
SRM Spokane (0816)
Stanford Medicine -Fertility & Reproductive Health (0076)
STL Fertility, LLC (0852)
Strong Fertility Center (0712)
Tennessee Fertility Institute (0877)
Tennessee Reproductive Medicine (0781)
Test clinic 2 (9998)
Test CSR (9981)
Test Emails (9991)
Testing B (9982)
Testing C (9983)
Testing R (9922)
Texas Center For Reproductive Health (0164)
Texas Fertility Center (0075)
Texas IVF (0725)
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (0782)
The Advanced IVF Institute - Charles E. Miller, MDSC & Assoc. (0581)
The Center for Reproductive Endocrinology (0691)
The Center for Reproductive Health (0501)
The Center for Reproductive Medicine (0930)
The Fertility Center of New Mexico, LLC (0176)
The IVF Center (0624)
The Nevada Center for Reproductive Medicine (0520)
The Reproductive Medicine Group (0375)
The Utah Center for Reproductive Medicine (0028)
Tree of Life Center (0687)
Tripler Army Medical Center IVF Institute (0411)
Tulsa Fertility Center (0034)
UCLA Fertility Center (0651)
UCSF Center for Reproductive Health (0572)
UF Health Reproductive Medicine at Springhill (0160)
UMass Memorial IVF Center (0903)
UNC Fertility (0798)
University Fertility Consultants - Oregon Health & Science University (0284)
University Hospitals Fertility Center (0784)
University of Alabama Birmingham (0667)
University of Chicago Medicine Center for Reproductive Medicine and Fertility (0582)
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (0116)
University of Miami Infertility Center (0665)
University of Pennsylvania - Penn Fertility Care (0094)
University of Pittsburgh Physicians (0563)
University of Wisconsin – Generations Fertility Care (0701)
University Reproductive Associates, PC (0632)
USC Fertility (0962)
UT Health San Antonio Reproductive Health and Fertility Center (0036)
Utah Fertility Center (0758)
UWMC Center for Reproductive Health & Fertility (0773)
VA Fertility & IVF (0696)
Valley Hospital Fertility Center (0703)
VCU Reproductive Medicine (0748)
Vermont Center for Reproductive Medicine (0184)
Viera Fertility Center, Inc. (0611)
Virginia Center For Reproductive Medicine (0593)
Virginia Fertility Associates, LLC/SGF Jones Institute (0923)
Wake Forest University Center for Fertility and Reproductive Surgery (0653)
Washington Fertility Center (0395)
WESTMED Reproductive Services (0839)
Wisconsin Fertility Institute (0731)
Womack Army Medical Center (0908)
Women and Infants Fertility Center (0695)
Yale Fertility Center (0106)
Your Family Fertility PLLC (0929)
Zouves Fertility Center (0536)